• As the sukkah is a temporary shelter and will be constructed in Capitol Park to celebrate Detroit’s design culture and to sponsor live activities, this proposal aims to test the minimum that the sukkah needs to meet the requirements and to minimize the impact on the environment while allowing it to be connected to public space as much as possible.


    This sukkah consists of two independent components; a wall and a roof. Both are designed in the shape of a circle which has the most area and least perimeter and constructed solely of stainless steel. The wall of the structure explores the minimum possible size and material usage and becomes a fence-like structure with stainless steel pipes defining space for a person to dwell. Over the wall, the ring-shaped net roof is supported by the same pipes, then found tree branches and leaves are placed on the net as s’chach. This roof not only offers a sufficient area of shade but also creates a transition space between the public park and the dwelling space—accessible from all directions.


    The net and s’chach respond to the natural environment. The Sun changes position in the sky and the wind changes speed and direction. These elements combine to cast an ever-changing shadow and the wall of the sukkah can be moved by the people in the park interacting with the environment. This suggests potential uses for various events and further stimulates the entire park to become a vibrant community space.


    Year: 2018

    Type: Design Competition Entry
